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Acrylic art is created using fast-drying acrylic paints, known for their versatility and vibrant colors. Artists utilize various techniques to produce textured and visually striking pieces on canvas or other surfaces.

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Encaustic art involves using molten beeswax, pigments, and heat to create paintings. Artists fuse layers of wax to produce a unique, luminous, and textured surface, allowing for a range of creative possibilities.

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Oil Painting

Oil painting is a traditional art form that uses pigments mixed with a drying oil, typically linseed oil. Artists create rich and textured works on canvas or other surfaces. The slow drying time allows for blending and layering techniques.

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Impasto is a painting technique where thick layers of paint are applied to create a textured and three-dimensional effect. The brushstrokes are often visible, adding a sense of depth and tactile quality to the artwork.

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